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Return. Learn. Earn.
Adult Education
Adult Education
Adult Education
NWACC's Adult Education empowers you to return to the classroom and become more self-sufficient by gaining the skills necessary for higher education, future employment and personal success.
Adult Ed offers flexible class schedules and courses for FREE, allowing you to save money and pursue an education that won't conflict with your work schedule.
Obtaining basic academic knowledge, a GED® or career training can help improve your life, career path and the potential to increase your income. View our programs and resources for adult learners to learn more.
Adult Education
- Shewmaker Center for
Workforce Technologies,
2nd floor - (479) 986-6911
- M-Thurs, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

English for Language Learners
Sharpen your English-language skills to increase your career options, prepare for the naturalization test, or to earn your GED credential.

Prepare for post-secondary education and technical job training and compete in the
job market by earning your GED®.

Workforce Education
Improve your language, literacy and math skills and gain employable soft skills to help you retain your job or advance in your career path.
Supportive Services
To help remove the barriers that interfere with you accomplishing your goals, NWACC's Adult Education has partnered
with the state of Arkansas to provide funding to students for expenses such as transportation and work necessities.

Open House
Attend the Adult Education Center's Open House event to learn more about programs
and services that can help you reach your educational goals.

Honor Society Celebration
This celebration recognizes those who demonstrate commitment, perseverance, responsibility and a high level of achievement.

Graduation Ceremony
After you complete your coursework, you'll be invited to attend and be recognized at the Adult Education graduation ceremony in the spring or fall.
Community Outreach
NWACC's Adult Education strives to be well integrated in the NWA community through workforce partnerships, outreach events or community service projects. Businesses and schools are encouraged to connect with
NWACC to learn more.