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Cultivating Inclusivity
LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center
LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center
LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center
NWACC's LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center serves all faculty, staff and students by cultivating an environment that is safe, affirming, open and inclusive for all people of all gender identities and sexualities.
This virtual center provides educational opportunities and resources for anyone interested in learning about LGBTQ+ people, issues and concerns. The virtual center works with groups across campus to increase awareness and affirmation of LGBTQ+ people and reduce discrimination and harassment based on gender identity and expression or sexual orientation.
Opportunities include ally workshops, inclusion training, student and employee groups, panels, books, documentaries, speakers and programs on current issues in our community. The virtual center also provides resources for anyone at NWACC who experiences discrimination or who needs support as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
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NWACC's LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center provides:
- A confidential forum for LGBTQ+ faculty, staff and students to discuss the campus climate
- Leadership on LGBTQ+ issues
- Referrals to appropriate campus and community support services
- Collaboration with faculty, staff and students to celebrate the LGBTQ+ campus community
- Sponsored events associated with LGBTQ+ issues
- Programs, workshops and activities to raise campus awareness about LGBTQ+ concerns
- Programs, workshops and activities related to LGBTQ+ identity, culture and history
Confidential Forum & Advocates
The LGBTQ+ Virtual Resource Center offers a confidential forum for LGBTQ+ faculty, staff and students to discuss the campus climate. Advocates are specially trained to provide affirming, empowering and confidential support for any faculty, staff or student who experiences discrimination or harassment based on gender identity or expression and sexual orientation.
View a list of NWACC advocates.
Advocates will:
- Listen
- Assist with immediate safety or safety planning
- Assist with the on-campus reporting process and procedures
- Provide assistance with on or off campus support services

Ally Network
Become an ally to help end homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and heterosexism.

LGBTQ+ Resources
View various LGBTQ+ resources, including those for NWACC students and employees.

Terms & Definitions
View a list of terms and definitions to help you build a foundation for being an affirming ally.
NWACC's LGBTQ+ Resource Center offers various events including ally workshops, inclusion training, panels, speakers, programs on current issues in our community and more.
NWACC Advocates
Austin Schader
Student Center, 233 A
Vince Pianalto
Cierra Collins
Student Center, 225 I
Eric Vest
Burns Hall, 2313
Juanita Franklin
479- 619-2204
Student Center, 223
Aria Kagan